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How Geolocation-Based Apps Can Help – Android App Development

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When looking for Android application developers who are for hire, it’s important to hire Android app developers who are able to create a geolocation based mobile app for your business. After all, hundreds of businesses all over the world rely on the geolocation facilities that mobile apps have to offer. In addition to this, customers have begun to depend on location-based mobile apps as well. Research has shown that a good 74% of adults use apps to obtain directions, and 12% are even willing to share their own location with their friends and family.

Now, let’s move on to how geolocation-based apps can help you.

It Helps with Onboarding
If you’re looking to improve customer onboarding, a wise thing to do would be to hire Android app developers that can help you create a location-based app that reaches out to your target users at the right time. As a location-based app allows you to acquire the location of your customer, it’ll help you better target them with offers and discounts (at your stores that are nearest to them), in the form of notifications. In addition to this, customers can also find directions to your store much faster.
Market Insights at Your Fingertips
With a strong location-based app created by Android app developers such as HokuApps, you will have the opportunity to collect insightful data about your customers, such as how many customers checked into a particular store of yours, how many availed your discounts or facilities, and most importantly, where your customers are. All of this information will help you determine whether your market strategy is right or not, as well as whether it’s working.

Tracking Facilities Too Can Help
Sure, tracking facilities are loved by customers. But did you know they can help you out as well? By hiring Android app developers and creating a location-based app that has a tracking service, you’ll be able to monitor where your products are going, and when they reach your customer. Not only will this help you get a better idea of where your customers are located but will also help you provide good services. How so? Well, if your product takes a while to reach your customer or is held up somewhere, for instance, you’ll be able to plan a better way of getting your product to the customer, which in turn, could result in better customer satisfaction. After all, maintaining goodwill is key to being successful in this competitive market.

Establish Better Connections with Your Customers
As stated in the aforementioned points, developing a location-based app by Android app development company will help you know where your customers are situated. This will allow you to create content that’s most suitable for these customers, so as to make them feel important, which will allow you to establish a better connection with them.

So, what are you waiting for? Go on and hire Android app developers and get yourself a geolocation-based app to boost your sales!